How Show Buddy manages its data and audio files

Show Buddy stores all your track, lightshow and show information in a single database file. As you create and edit your tracks & shows, Show Buddy automatically and silently saves your changes to the database – there is no File Open or Save option as is found in document based programs.

You can create backups of the current database from the File > Backup database menu option. This will archive the database in a .dbb file. It’s a good idea to backup your database regularly while you are editing, and before each live gig (so you can always recover to a known point should something go wrong).

To restore from a backup, select the File > Restore from backup… menu option and choose a .dbb backup file.

Note that your actual audio tracks (e.g. wav and mp3 files) are NOT saved & restored as part of this procedure. When you drag an audio file into Show Buddy, a copy of that file is made in the Show Buddy media folder. You should separately backup this media folder on a regular basis:

  • Windows XP: C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Show Buddy
  • Windows Vista/7/8: C:\ProgramData\Show Buddy\Media Files
  • OS X: /Library/Application Support/db audioware/Show Buddy/Media Files

In Windows XP, you may also need to enable hidden folders:

  • In Windows Explorer menu, choose Tools > Folder Options…
  • In View tab, click Show hidden files and folders” then Apply
  • Click Apply to All Folders

You should also backup your DMXIS configuration and banks/presets as described here.