An overview video showing all the Show Buddy features in action. Lightshow visualisation provided by Capture Sweden (not included with Show Buddy).
(Video) Show Buddy MIDI Output
Tutorial video showing an overview of the new MIDI Output features in Show Buddy 1.1.0
(Video) First time DMXIS installation
Shows the procedures for installing and running DMXIS for the first time.
(Video) Basic DMXIS features
Everything you need to know about DMXIS in 3 minutes!
(Video) DMXIS oscillators – how to create moving FX
How to use the powerful oscillators in DMXIS to make dynamic light shows.
(Video) Using footswitches & MIDI controllers with DMXIS
How to connect and configure the foot switch in DMXIS to switch banks & presets. Also, how to use MIDI controllers for more advanced hands-on control of your lightshow.
(Video)The DMXIS plug-in running a lightshow from Logic
Here, we run a completely automated light show inside Logic on a MacBook, using the DMXIS Audio Unit plug-in, with the DMXIS USB hardware interface connected to a small lighting rig.
DMXIS adds lighting capabilities to any audio program that supports VST or Audio Unit plug-ins, on Windows or Mac.